
histHub is a cooperation project of five research-related institutions and projects in the field of historical sciences. The Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland (Dodis), the Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz (HLS), the Schweizerisches Idiotikon and its project have joined forces with the Rechtsquellenstiftung des Schweizerischen Juristenvereins (SSRQ) in the Consortium Historicum. The Consortium Historicum carries the project histHub.

histHub will be funded by swissuniversities until the end of 2019 as part of the program “P-5 Scientific Information: Access, Processing and Storage”. The investment volume amounts to 4.7 million CHF, of which 2.4 million CHF are provided by the supporting institutions as their own funds.

See also: brochure


histHub is organized as a decentralized cooperation project. It is managed strategically by the Steering Committee and operationally by the branch office. The project is divided into three subprojects: histHub-Net, histHub-Norm and Central Services. The Steering Committee consists of the respective directors of the supporting institutions meeting regularly.

The interoperability committee advises histHub on the interfaces with existing services of the digital humanities in Switzerland. The committee currently consists of the following persons:

  • Christian Aliverti, Head of Development Department, Swiss National Library (NL)
  • Stefan Nellen, Head of Service Historical Analyzes, Swiss Federal Archives (BAR)
  • Lukas Rosenthaler, Head of Data & Service Center for Humanities (DaSCH)
  • Samuel Müller, Managing Director National Infrastructure for Editions (NIE-INE)
  • Pierre-Yves Burgi, Data Life Cycle Management Geneva (DLCM)

The Technical Committee ensures the technical compatibility of the locally developed services and products of histHub. In the Technical Committee all supporting institutions are represented by technical experts.

Download: Organigramm

Bericht: Konstituierende Sitzung des Ausschusses Interoperabilität